Not to worry! Making a purchase on using your Synchrony Financing Freedom to Ride account will not require the use of a physical card. Simply follow the steps described below to submit your order.
Last Updated: March 28, 2024
Step 1:
Add all the items you are looking to to purchase to your cart. Select the shipping method you prefer (Shipping or Store Pickup), and proceed to "Checkout."
Step 2:
Once you reach the checkout screen and enter all your information, scroll down through the payment options until you find "Synchrony Financing" as an available option.
Note: If you have a "Shop Pay" account, you won't see the Synchrony Financing option initially. You'll need to select "Checkout as Guest" when prompted to pay with your ShopPay account. By choosing "Checkout as Guest," the Synchrony Financing option will become available.
Step 3:
After selecting Synchrony Financing and ensuring your information is correct, click "Pay Now." You'll then be redirected to Synchrony's website, where you can access your account using your personal information and complete the transaction. Once the transaction is finished, Synchrony's site will redirect you back to, where you'll receive your order confirmation.
Still Need Help?
If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at or call us at 866-600-2453. We’re always here to help!