How does expedited shipping work?

We're pleased to assist with expedited shipping options. Contact us with your order details and shipping destination, and we'll provide a custom shipping quote.

Last Updated: March 29, 2024

If you're in need of expedited shipping, please shoot us an email or give us a call let us know your order number if you've already placed an order, or what you would like to order and how soon you need it, along with the shipping destination. We can then provide a custom shipping quote for you.

Keep reading for some of the limitations we have with expedited shipping.

  • Certain items, such as batteries or e-bikes, cannot be expedited due to hazmat restrictions, preventing air shipping services.
  • We are happy to explore expedited shipping options for an analogue bike, but please keep in mind that the box size required for shipping a bike is quite large. Consequently, the quotes for expedited shipping usually amount to hundreds of dollars more. Additionally, our bikes undergo an extensive build and boxing process, which incurs some processing time. For more information on this process, click HERE.

For bikes and special order products, we have no way to expedite the bike that arrives to us from the manufacturer. If you would like, we would be happy to look into expedited shipping options once we receive the product.

Still Need Help?

If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at or call us at 866-600-2453. We’re always here to help!